
ZAOGA Forward in Faith Ministries International HAPPY 64th Anniversary

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The Africa Multination for Christ College (AMFCC) School Council, Management Committee, Student Pastors and the AMFCC Community at large, would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to ZAOGA Forward in Faith Ministries International. HAPPY Anniversary as the ministry celebrates 64 years of God’s grace.  

Today, the 12th of May 2024, we mark and celebrate the legacy of the greatest Apostle of our time. His remarkable apostleship left an indelible mark not only in the lives of those in the ministry but moreso on our lives as the AMFCC family

Archbishop Guti was more than just a spiritual leader; he was a spiritual father not only to the ZAOGA FIFMI family but to the Christian Community at large; a true embodiment of the teachings he espoused which were founded on our Lord Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, Apostle Guti preached the gospel of Christ in all the continents of the world and planted churches in over 169 nations and states to date. He facilitated the construction of countless church structures, schools, colleges, a hospital and a university. He also wrote more than 118 books covering different Christian topics that are based on biblical doctrine. As if that wasn’t enough, Archbishop Guti was also used by God to establish Bible Colleges that have to date trained over 3,000 pastors from different countries. As AMFCC we are truly proud to be part of the legacy of this great legend.

With every word he spoke and every action he took, he exuded a profound sense of humility, kindness, and grace. Whether in delivering a sermon from the pulpit or lending a listening ear to those in need, he made everyone feel seen and valued, regardless of their stature in life. He had a way of making people feel so important whenever they were in his presence.

His spiritual guidance provided a balm to wounded souls, and his presence brought comfort to those facing life's most challenging moments. He never shied away from addressing difficult topics, offering words of wisdom and support to navigate through the darkest of times that was founded on the word of God.

As we celebrate the 64th anniversary of this powerful ministry we also remember its iconic leader and one of the greatest apostles of our time and the profound impact his life and his ministry had on our lives. As AMFCC we will carry forward the values he embodied - truth, kindness, empathy, generosity, wisdom and understanding. We will remember the lessons he taught us - to love unconditionally, to forgive graciously, and to persevere in the face of adversity standing firm in Christ.
