
Culture Day

What is Culture day?

In 1963 God instructed His servant Apostle E.H. Guti to learn to read the English Bible and to learn to preach in English because He was going to go all over the world with God’s word. God fulfilled this word and today we celebrate the diverse cultures found in ZAOGA FIF because of this word. Culture Day was launched in 2019 as a day that AMFCC students set apart in order to appreciate and celebrate all the different cultures represented at the College and those that Prof. E.H Guti impacted through his ministry of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in over 168 nations and states. The students also celebrate the faithfulness of God to His servant and to ZAOGA FIFMI at large through the successful planting of the churches in those nations and states. 


What one can expect at Culture Day


 On this day, the students and invited guests educate one another and appreciate other cultures through music, dance, testimonies from different nations of how they met the God of Ezekiel Guti and what every student can expect when they are afforded an opportunity to go to other countries as missionaries. Food from different nations is also served during this time and different cultures will be putting on the regalia from their nations.


Achievements from Culture Day


The event has brought cultural unity and integration at the College and within ZAOGA FIFMI. It has also further promoted the number one duty that was at the heart of the Servant and Apostle of God which is soul winning by inviting different Ambassadors from different nations. As they participate, some of them then receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.


Some of the nations represented at AMFCC presently are: Botswana, Cameroon, Fiji, Ghana, India, Solomon Islands, Guyana, Liberia, Madagascar, Namibia, Sierra Leon, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania, United States of America, Zimbabwe.